Tag: Writing

  • Novel Pause

    Dear readers, thanks for putting up with my weird ways! It’s always a pleasant surprise to hear I made you laugh, or cringe, or display whatever other emotion strong enough to have you hit the contact button. Please do keep up your reading while I take a break from writing. Less suffering inflicted on the…

  • Graduated


    Three years. Just like a proper apprentice learning a reasonable craft. I spent three years on a predetermined writing schedule: One short story per month One episode of my series every four months One dime novel per year The idea behind the commitment was to improve my writing by means of practice, because this is…

  • NaNoWriMo WP

    Felinity Rules The world is once again about to end. As the title suggests, cats are involved. There’s a bored one, a big one and the black one. That black feline could be considered huge, if it was willing to fit into this kind of category. Three humans are doing their occasionally heroic best to cope with…

  • Chapters are for sissies

    Having declared “Guilty until proven”, my dime novel number five, sufficiently rewritten and done, I retrospectively wonder about the structure. One more LinkedIn forum discussion got me started. Lots of real, proper, professional writers are exchanging extremely well founded views on chapter lengths. One is supposed to consider an improbable number of variables  defining the…

  • Why is it fun to write?

    Seriously asking here, because: There’s no money in fiction writing. For most of us. And we’re perfectly aware of this fact. There’s some kind of work involved, judging by how the head tends to run hot in a flow. Writing is all over our schedule, crowding out activities considered relevant by less weird people. Our default…

  • Meet the nice guys: Exilian

    Tradition demands to start the New Year withs some fancy vows. “Resume going to the gym”. Or  “replace the kitchen faucet” .  That kind of thing. Familiar with the exercise? Aware of the futility? Thought you would be. Probably a shared trait, among sapients, across solar systems. Three weekly runs at the gym are fun.…

  • Blockchained

    That was a stupid idea. No. Wrong. His most stupid idea ever. By far. If only he could recant. Or at least kick his own posterior, to keep his mind off those three bullet points. Instead of getting ready to comply. What the hell got into him, back in 2018? Jackson vaguely recalls a lot…

  • Civilup II

    An actual monitor. Not even embedded. Fixed to the wall like some antique on display in a museum. Which in a way it is. Minuscule, too. Two square meters, at best. How is anyone supposed to learn anything, with obsolete equipment? This is such a farce. Garnalag is pissed off. They forced her to attend.…

  • Writer’s amnesia

    Today, it happened again. This is scary. First time I was subjected to the phenomenon, my inner hypochondriac suspected early stage Alzheimer. He insisted on doing the usual tests. Results just fine. So what the hell is this? The admin alerts me to a new comment on Inside the box. Vaguely remember the plot. Wonder how long…

  • Low Score

    Low Score Three hundred and eighty five. 385. Thirty five soccer teams. A train full of adults. How much time would it have taken them? Assuming an average of five hours, it adds up to 1790 hours. Eighty person days. Wasted. Plus her own contribution. Another 10 hours. Synat shakes her head in disgust. She’s…