Tag: Short story

  • Ephemerals

    Ephemerals “But there aren’t any. Not one ephemeral. No ephemerals, no non-sapient mobiles, no nothing. Not even non-sapient immobiles. This is just a stupid, empty rock. Homework done, empty rock result duly recorded. I’ll be playing multiverses now, OK?” Norendrum performs the dark energy entity equivalent of holding its breath. If instructor Schwarzberlem doesn’t react,…

  • Truck Stop

    „What do you mean, exactly, by ‘Not available’? What kind of joke is this supposed to be? Now just let me tell you one thing: Not funny. Just do look at this shelf. How many ‘Not available’ stickers are there? Fifty? Sixty? Seventy? One hundred and twenty? I mean, last week, there was the odd…