The Duck-on-Wall Series offers stuff that can be called visual art for free. No joke, free-free. Not one week free, please refer to small print for subscription fee details. Real free-free. Guess why…
Mechanics Spinach Fly Airbag Threesome Medal Horse Convoi Looker Chain Weapon Garland Red Dance Maze Cushion Sleep Grass Wombat Anger Onion Mess Ecowham Compromise
If you wonder why anyone would waste time creating this, congratulations: You’re the one lucky person not condemned to attend less than exciting meetings. Be they job or civil society events, they tend to trigger Duck-on-Wall activity.
Troim producing this signals listening. Whereas blank faced Troim…
According to the Guardian weekly, the President of Albania shares this vice. Except in his case it’s proper Art with a capital A because he’s a certified artist. Whereas Troim…
As a sideline, the Duck-on-Wall art section serves as a means of identification. If you have met Troim, you’ll recognise the doodles.